NCUP Annual Lecture by Professor Diana Laurillard, held on 19th February 2014

Link for presentation slides–> NCUP Annual 2014 – DL (1-35)
NCUP Annual 2014 – Professor Diana Laurillard
The Cruel Myths and Basic Maths of MOOCs
Professor Laurillard followed up on the issues addressed in the 2013 lecture by Lord Professor Rees that concern UK Universities’ response to the growing impact of distance learning. The phenomenon of MOOCs (massive open online courses) still presents a challenge to HE, despite the myth perpetrated by supporters that they will transform access. HE must have its own rational response, which not only counters the myths, but also takes seriously the implications of our current models of how we fund high quality teaching and learning at this level. What alternative future models might we explore in terms of costs, pedagogy and accessibility?