Full Membership of NCUP (FNCUP)

Full membership is open to all who hold, or have held, the title of Professor, Visiting Professor or Honorary Professor within a recognised University in the United Kingdom for a minimum of one year.  It is also open to Professors of a recognised University from overseas, who are now permanently resident in UK.

Full Membership is £50 per annum by cheque (or £45 p.a. by standing order).

Emeritus/retired membership is £20 per annum (whether by cheque or standing order). For those who are Emeritus/retired, there is an option of “Life Membership” for a single payment of Under 65 = £150,  Age 65-80 = £100, Over 80 = £50
The membership fee is tax deductible.

Download membership and Gift Aid form

Associate Membership of NCUP (ANCUP)

Applicants eligible to apply for Associate Membership of NCUP (ANCUP) include:

  1. All  Associate Professors, Readers and Principal and Senior Lecturers of a recognised UK University;
  2. Other academics who consider themselves to be of equal standing to any of those above.

(A Council Committee will consider all cases for Associate Membership individually in terms of publications and relevant experience).

Download membership and Gift Aid form

The membership fees are the same as for Full Membership and are tax deductible.  In the event of a change to Full Membership, there is no additional fee.

Appropriate membership forms are available.  For further information, please contact by email  Cheryl Humphrey, Executive Officer, NCUP (

Cheques should be made payable to the NCUP. It is preferable (and financially advantageous) to arrange payment via a Standing Order.

Gift Aid

The value of subscriptions and donations can be increased—due to our charitable status—by means of Gift Aid. If not already completed, please complete and then return the Gift Aid form to Cheryl Humphrey.