The future for freedom of speech in UK higher education
Morning, Wednesday, 26th April 2023
Westminster Higher Education Forum policy conference taking place online
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Lord Willetts, former Minister for Universities and Science (2010-2014)
Gary Attle, Mills and Reeve; Alex Bols, Guild HE; Professor Bobby Duffy, King’s College London; Shreshth Goel, Cardiff University Students’ Union; Dr Bryn Harris, Free Speech Union; Jordan Kiss, Durham Union Society; Oscar Minto, University Reading Students’ Union; Professor James Tooley, University of Buckingham
Chaired by:
Baroness Janet Royall of Blaisdon
Baroness D’Souza
This conference will bring together stakeholders, regulators and policymakers to examine the implementation and impact of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill, following its expected passage through Parliament.
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