Designing & Managing the University Estates Seminar

Links to the Powerpoint presentations:
D&M 2015_03_11 Delivering sustainable campus with effective FM v1.1
Took Place in The Library, IOM, 1 Carlton House Terrace, London, on
Wednesday, 11th March 2015
Delivering Value from the HE Estate: Recent Trends andFuture Challenges – Jamie Arrowsmith, Programme Manager for Research Policy and Efficiency at Universities UK
AUDE Perspectives – The Sustainable Estate – The Challenges and Conflicts of Greening our University Estate – Sue Holmes, Director of Estates and Facilities Management, Oxford Brookes University
Estate directors in HE have the challenge of ensuring we create a quality and inspiring estate, meeting the requirements of users, manage affordable maintenance programmes, meet all relevant legislation, ensure flexibility, meet carbon reduction targets and manage a large number of services and a staff.
With a UK estate sector of over 20,000,000 m2 GIA non-residential space and over 6,000,000.GIA of wholly owned residential estate the need to drive and deliver a sustainable estate are critical. Student numbers are steady, research more intensive and in a sector worth over £73bn to the UK economy, expectations and external benchmarks are ever growing. This session will look at how we aim to manage our estates sustainably.
Sustainable Development: Impacts on Space and Place in Higher Education – Dr Marcella Ucci, Lecturer in Facility and Environment Management at the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London
The physical form of the university – its buildings, the spaces within them, and the spaces round about them – affect the university’s intellectual and social functions in several ways. This talk discusses how the sustainability agenda is impacting upon the physical university, taking as a case study the UK’s higher education context. The talk will highlight that, although in the past 5-10 years UK higher education has witnessed an unprecedented flurry of activity to address its sustainability and especially its energy efficiency and carbon emissions performance, a significant step-change is still required to meet crucial targets. The author argues that, whilst commendable and essential, this action-oriented focus on changing the physical infrastructure may have also provided an opportunity to avoid addressing more crucial (and more difficult) strategic questions.
Carbon Brainprint: An Estimate of the Intellectual Contribution of HEIs to Reducing Carbon Emissions –Dr David Parsons, Principal Research Fellow at School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University.
Research and education by universities have huge potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by, for example, increasing energy efficiency, not just on their own estates, but throughout industry and society. The Carbon Brainprint is an attempt to quantify the intellectual contribution of higher education institutions to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of others through research and teaching activities. The project developed methods for estimating carbon brainprints through six case studies at Cranfield, Reading and Cambridge, one of which looked at energy saving in office and accommodation buildings. The total emissions reductions resulting from the case studies amounted to about 1Mt CO2 e/year, many times the carbon footprint of a typical university.
Student Participation in the Universities Green Agenda – Jo Kemp, National Union of Students
The Importance of Caring for our Universities Estate with Effective Facilities Management – Richard Jackson, Head of Environmental Sustainability at UCL Estates, London
Smart Metering and Behaviour Change – William Box, CEO at Carnego Systems Limited, Cornwall
Planning Carbon Reductions at University of Greenwich – Professor David Maguire , Vice Chancellor at University of Greenwich
Reflections on the Seminar from the Perspective of Student Learning – Emeritus Professor William Scott, Centre for Research in Education and the Environment, University of Bath.