NCUP Sponsorship Scheme

NCUP Sponsorship Scheme

To NCUP  Members/Colleagues,

Applications are now open for the next round of the NCUP sponsorship scheme which has been running for more than two years and awarded  sponsorship so far to eight postgraduate  students.

In order to apply for NCUP sponsorship, postgraduate students should submit a short statement about  their doctoral research, who is supervising it, and their plans following completion of their thesis.  One A4 page will be sufficient.  Students who win sponsorship will be invited to the appropriate next NCUP event, which is the annual lecture at the AGM with the buffet lunch.  Next year, this will be held on 22nd March 2019.

The  names of sponsored students will be recorded on our NCUP list and each year the names of the winners will be published on the NCUP website.

This is an open competition from NCUP and up to 3-4  students may be sponsored in any one year.

To apply, please provide the following:

  • A brief summary of your research, about 300 words, including thesis title;
  • Your possible plans post-thesis (no more than a paragraph);
  • Your supervisor’s name and title;
  • Include on the application your own name, email address, phone number, institutional affiliation, and the length of time you have been working on your thesis.
  • Please send  applications to the NCUP  Executor Officer, Cheryl Humphrey on


Please bring this to the attention of your PGR students and inform them that  we are  interested in receiving applications at any time between now and 1st March 2019.

Janet Wilson
Vice President, NCUP