NCUP AGM 22 March 2019
The next AGM will be held at Kings College London ( Kings Building, Strand Campus) from 15:30 to 16:45 pm on Friday 22nd March 2019.
It will be preceded by a buffet lunch from 13:00 to 14:30 followed by a public lecture from 14:30 to 15:30 pm in The Old Committee (the Principal’s) Room .
There will also be a Council meeting at 11:00 am on 22nd April, held in the Council Room, Kings Building (Room K2.29), prior to the buffet lunch.
The lecture will be given by Professor Cameron Neylon (Professor of Research Communications, Culture and Technology Centre, Curtin University, Australia),
“The changing system of research communications: where next in an Open Access world?”
All NCUP members and colleagues are invited to attend the lunch and public lecture.
To confirm your attendance please RSVP to the NCUP Executive Officer, Cheryl Humphrey on