CBE awarded to Professor Emeritus Rosemary Davis in Queen’s Birthday Honours
Professor Emeritus Rosemary Davis CBE, a Life Member and Fellow of NCUP, originally trained as a teacher at Goldsmiths College, University of London, specialising in Early Years and Primary Education. She became a headteacher of three separate schools for children aged 4 – 7 years, adding qualifications from Cambridge and London University along the way. Her doctorate focussed on cognitive development and the findings on developmental changes in children’s problem-solving strategies, remains important today. Her next career move was to found the Primary Postgraduate Certificate of Education course at the Institute of Education, University of London (now University College London Institute of Education). At the time, the Institute was essentially concerned with secondary education but Rosemary put Primary Education on the map and the course became the largest in the country, as it is today. She then worked overseas for 14 years in international development education, in universities and as a consultant. Upon returning to the UK, Rosemary became a Visiting Professor and Postgraduate Research Tutor in the School of Education at Oxford Brookes University when her brief included staff development. She then returned to UCL Institute of Education as a Visiting Professor, where she is currently based. Her focus remains with Early Years and Primary Education. Rosemary’s books include the most recent Exploring Education and Childhood. From current certainties to new visions, of which she was an editor and contributor of a chapter ‘The Child’s Voice’. Her CBE was awarded in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to education, for which she may justly be proud.
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Professor Janet Wilson, Vice-President NCUP