Recent publications – Mike Watts
Crowe, N., Waite, G. & Watts, D.M. (2021, in preparation). A pedagogy of transgression. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press.
Watts, D.M. (2021, in preparation). (Editor) Mobile learning: from pedagogy to practice. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press.
Salejhee, S. & Watts, D.M. (2021, in preparation). Science and success: stories of British Asian girls. London, Bloomsbury Press.
Dillon, J. & Watts, D.M. (2021, in preparation). Debates in Science Education 2nd Edition. London, Routledge.
Salehjee, S. & Watts, D.M. (2021). Becoming scientific. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press.
Watts, D.M. (2021). Chapter 11, Supporting beginning teachers to cope with contingencies. In S. Salehjee (ed.) Mentoring the beginning science teacher, Routledge, London
Salehjee, S. and Watts, D.M. (2021). Chapter 15, Supporting beginning teachers in embedding scientific literacy. In S. Salehjee (ed.) Mentoring the beginning science teacher, Routledge, London.
Watts, D.M. (2020). Chapter 5, Developing a theoretical framework. In Burrell, I. and Roffey-Barentsen, J. (eds.), Completing your EdD, the essential guide to the Doctor of Education, Emerald Publishing Ltd, Bingley, UK.
Roffey-Barentsen, J., Creaton, J., Hoskins, K., Taylor, S., Watts, D.M. and Wisker, G. (2020). ‘Post qualification ‘now you’re a doctor, what next?”, in Burnell, I. and Roffey-Barentsen, J. (eds.) Completing your EdD, the essential guide to the Doctor of Education, Emerald Publishing Ltd, Bingley, UK.
Ramma, Y., Bholoa, A. & Watts, D.M. (2020). Guided Discovery—Robert Gagné. In B. Akpan and T. Kennedy (eds.) Science Education in Theory and Practice, An Introductory Guide to Learning Theory, pp 191-208, Netherlands, Springer.
Watts, D.M. (2021). Friedrich Froebel: Interpolation, extrapolation. Early Child Development and Care, Published online, January 2021.
Bilton, H. & Watts, D.M. (2020). Editorial, ‘Early STEM Education: practice and prospects’, special edition of Early Child development and Care, 190(1), 1-2.