Recent publications – Alan Finnegan

Recent publications – Alan Finnegan


Di Lemma, Howe, S., & Finnegan AP. (2021) An evaluation of the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust’s Aged Veterans Fund. British Medical Journal (Military Health). Accepted. 

Finnegan, AP., Di Lemma, L., McGhee, S & Watson R (2021). Evaluating Serious Stress in Military Veterans, their Carers and Families. A Protocol.  BMJ Military Health – // Published online.

Ruiz-Casas,L., O’Hara, S., Mighiu, C., Finnegan, A., Taylor, A., Ventura, E., Dhawan, A., Murray, KF., Schattenberg, J., Willemse, J., Karakaidos, M., & Brrang, H (2021) Burden of illness of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis in the US, UK, France, and Germany: study rationale and protocol of the PICTURE study, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2021.1859371

Finnegan, AP, McKenna, H., McCourt, K.  (2020).  Reflecting  on the Characteristics and Values of Military Nurses. War Zone Qualitative Research. Nursing Standard, 35 (10), 82-85. DOI: 10.7748/ns.35.10.82.s391

O’Hara, J., Finnegan, A.P.,  Dhillon, H., Ruiz-Casas, L., Pedra, G., Franks, B., Morgan, G., Hebditch, V., Jonsson, B., Mabhala, A., Reic, T., Van Thiel, I., Romero-Gomez, M., Bugianesi, E., Schattenberg, J & Anstee, Q (2020) Cost of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Europe and USA: the GAIN Study  JHEP Reports. // 

McGhee, S., Finnegan, AP, Angus, J, Lewis-Pierre, L. & Ortega, J,  (2020). Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. A Guide for Emergency Department Nurses. Emergency Nurse. Mar 10;28(2):23-29. doi: 10.7748/en.2020.e1993.   Epub 2020 Feb 4.

Finnegan, AP., Di Lemma, L., Moorhouse, I., Lambe, R., Soutter, EM., Templeman, J., Ridgway, V., Hynes, C., Simpson, R., & McGhee, S. (2020). Educating Nurses to Deliver Optimum Care to Military Veterans and their Families. Nurse Education in Practice.

Finnegan, AP & Aitkenhead, S (2020). A Research Portfolio: Transformational change by nursing, midwifery and care staff across health and care.  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 76,  7,8 doi: 10.1111/jan.14228.